Available 24/7 703-844-3746

Sterling, VA Criminal Defense Lawyers

Attorneys Assisting With Criminal Defense Matters in Sterling, Virginia

Getting arrested or otherwise charged with a crime can come with intense dread. You may feel as if your case has already been decided and the best thing you can do is to accept the charges and hope for the best. This is often what prosecutors want you to think, but in truth, you have another option. During an ongoing criminal case, you may feel surrounded by adversaries, but a criminal defense lawyer can stand up for your rights in court and work to have the charges against you minimized or even thrown out.

At Robinson Law, PLLC, our lawyers have over 50 years of experience altogether, and we use our vast breadth of legal knowledge to defend clients against serious charges. Attorney Michael Robinson has experience on both sides of the bench, having served as a prosecutor for Fauquier County before shifting his focus to criminal defense.

White Collar Crimes

If you have been charged with a white collar crime, it is critical that you work with a criminal defense lawyer who understands the complexities behind your case. Our attorneys represent clients accused of financial crimes and various forms of fraud, including:

A conviction on any of these charges can be incredibly damaging to your professional reputation. Worse, you could face decades in a state or federal prison depending on the severity of the crime. Our attorneys will work closely with financial experts to strengthen your case, making sure no evidence in your defense is overlooked in court.

Violent Crimes

Once you have been labeled as a violent felon by the state, it can be difficult to repair your reputation. This stigma can extend to your family relationships, your standing in the community, and even your employment opportunities. Robinson Law, PLLC defends Sterling residents against accusations of violent crime, ranging from simple assault to malicious wounding.

A conviction on charges of strangulation can have an incredibly damaging impact on your life. Virginia law defines strangling as intentionally using force to constrict another person's neck so as to deny the flow of air or blood when done without the other person's consent. If you are found guilty of strangulation, you can be charged with a Class 6 felony, punishable by a year of jail time or five years in a state prison, alongside a $2,500 fine. If the prosecution is unable to prove strangulation occurred, you might only be charged with assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor offense.

DUI Charges

Driving under the influence comes with strict punishments in Virginia. You can be charged with DUI for showing visible impairment behind the wheel, regardless of how much alcohol is in your system. However, DUI charges are even more likely if you are detained by an officer and the results of a blood or breath test show that your blood alcohol content is at .08%.

DUI is prosecuted as a Class 1 misdemeanor on a first conviction, carrying up to 12 months of jail time and a fine of at least $250 but not larger than $2,500, as well as a one-year driver's license suspension. Our attorneys can help you fight a DUI charge by questioning if the arresting officer had reasonable suspicion to pull you over or asserting that the evidence against you is not sufficient for a conviction.

Meet With a Sterling Criminal Defense Attorney

If you face criminal charges in Sterling, the best thing you can do to safeguard your rights is to contact a criminal defense lawyer. Robinson Law, PLLC has garnered over 350 5-star reviews for our excellence in the field of criminal law, and when you work with us, we will help you develop a strategy to minimize the charges against you. Call our offices at 703-844-3746 to schedule a free consultation or contact us online today.


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Fairfax Location

10486 Armstrong St
Fairfax, VA 22030

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