Fairfax Reckless Driving & Traffic Violations Defense Lawyer
Experienced Traffic Lawyers Helping Clients Across Northern Virginia Keep Their Licenses and Stay on the Road
Reckless driving is an incredibly serious traffic offense that can result in you losing your license. In some cases, a reckless driving conviction can even land you behind bars. The Fairfax traffic ticket lawyers at Robinson Law, PLLC, have decades of experience helping our clients stay on the road after being cited for reckless driving. Remember, receiving a ticket doesn't mean you are guilty. Until you pay the ticket or are found guilty at trial, you are presumed innocent –and we can help you stay that way.
Reckless Driving in Virginia
The Commonwealth of Virginia categorizes reckless driving as a class 1 misdemeanor, punishable by up to 12 months in jail, six-month loss of license and a $2,500 fine. Additionally, if convicted of reckless driving in Virginia, you could see an increase in your insurance premium, issues with your security clearance and employment, and the addition of DMV demerit points to your driving record.
All too often, our attorneys for reckless driving see defendants without lawyers pleading guilty to reckless driving in court. Many of these individuals are unaware of the severe consequences of a first offense reckless driving ticket in Virginia. If you or a loved one have been charged with reckless driving in Fairfax or Northern Virginia, it is essential you have an experienced traffic violations lawyer review your case to determine your best course of action.
Types of Reckless Driving in Virginia
While most people think of reckless driving as one type of citation, there are actually many ways to end up with a reckless driving ticket. Below are a few of the most common types of reckless driving in Virginia:
- Reckless Driving, Generally (Va. Code § 46.2-852)
- Reckless Driving by Speed (Va. Code §46.2-862 (i) & (ii)
- Reckless Driving by Excessive Speed for the Conditions (Va. Code § 46.2-861)
- Reckless Driving in Parking Lot (Va. Code § 46.2-864)
- Reckless Driving by Passing a School Bus (Va. Code §46.2-859)
- Reckless Driving by Improper Control/Faulty Brakes (Va. Code § 46.2-853)
- Reckless Driving by Passing on a Curve (Va. Code § 46.2-854)
- Reckless Driving by Passing Two Vehicles Abreast (Va. Code §46.2-856)
- Reckless Driving by Driving Two Abreast in a Single Lane (Va. Code § 46.2-857)
- Reckless Driving by Passing at a Railroad or Pedestrian Crossing (Va. Code § 46.2-858)
- Reckless Driving by Failing to Signal (Va. Code § 46.2-860)
- Reckless Driving by Failure to Yield (Va. Code § 46.2-863
- Reckless Driving by Racing (Va. Code § 46.2-865)
- Reckless Driving by Driving with Impaired Control/View Because of Passengers (Va. Code § 46.2-855)
When Does A Speeding Ticket Become A Reckless Driving Charge?
Going any speed over the posted speed limit in Virginia can result in a traffic ticket. However, a speeding ticket can become a reckless driving charge if you are driving more than 20 mph over the posted speed limit or driving faster than 85 mph.
Can a Lawyer Get My Reckless Driving Ticket Dismissed?
The likelihood of having a reckless driving charge (or any charge) reduced or dismissed depends heavily on the facts of the specific case and the defendant's criminal record. There is no way for any reckless driving lawyer to guarantee a certain result. Our traffic violations attorneys for reckless driving prepare our clients with the steps they need to take prior to court in order to ensure the best possible outcome.
Driving on a Suspended License After a Reckless Driving Conviction
If you end up going down on a reckless driving charge, your license is going to be suspended. Of course, there is going to be the temptation to drive anyway. This is understandable, as you need your license to take your kids to school, to get to work, and for almost every other aspect of your life. However, it is important you know that driving on a suspended license is not only a traffic violation in Virginia—it's also a crime. More specifically, driving on a suspended license is a Class 1 misdemeanor, punishable by
- Up to 1 year in jail,
- A fine of up to $2500, and
- An additional term of suspension equal to the period of time for which your license as initially suspended.
However, if this is your 3rd offense for driving on a suspended license, the punishment includes a mandatory 10-day period of incarceration.
How Do I Look Up My Traffic Ticket Online?
If you wish to view your Virginia traffic ticket online, complete these steps:
- Go to Virginia's Online Case Information System
- Accept the terms and conditions
- Fill out relevant information on the search criteria form
- Look for your name and case number
This is only for looking up your case rather than paying your ticket. Also, ensure you are not using Internet Explorer when looking up your case; the website may not work if you use this browser.
Do I Have To Go To Court For My Traffic Ticket?
You do not have to go to court for a traffic ticket in most cases. However, by paying the ticket, you automatically plead guilty. But if you want to fight the ticket and keep it off your record, you may want to seek legal counsel and go to court.
Are You Facing Reckless Driving Charges?
If you were recently pulled over and cited for reckless driving, reach out to Robinson Law, PLLC, as soon as possible. A reckless driving citation is not just another traffic ticket—it's a criminal offense. By paying the ticket, you are pleading guilty to a crime. At Robinson Law, PLLC, we have decades of experience aggressively defending our client's right to drive and look forward to discussing how we can help keep you on the road.
Our criminal lawyers also put a focus on DUI defense. Read our DUI client testimonials to see how many people we have helped fight their DUI charges in court. Please visit our DUI & DWI website with specific information about DUI in Fairfax, DUI in Arlington, DUI in Alexandria, DUI in Manassas and Prince William and DUI in Leesburg and Loudoun County. Our DWI attorneys have represented both adults and juveniles facing drunk driving charges across Northern Virginia, and we are standing by to discuss your case for free
To learn more, and to schedule a free consultation, call 703-844-3746. You can also connect with us through our online form.

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