Available 24/7 703-844-3746

Front Royal, Virginia Personal Injury Attorneys

Skilled Lawyers Helping Recover Compensation for Personal Injuries in Front Royal, VA

There is no denying that injuries can be expensive. Between a trip to the hospital, missed work days, and possible ongoing physical therapy, a bad accident can leave you in a dire financial position. If your accident was caused by another person's negligent behavior, you may entitled to significant compensation. A personal injury lawyer can help you file a claim that addresses all of your financial needs after an accident, paving the way for your smooth recovery.

Robinson Law, PLLC represents clients who are facing concerns related to serious injuries in Front Royal. We are devoted to the pursuit of justice, and as such, we will take any legal measure to help you secure compensation. Our attorneys have been named as Client Champions by Martindale, in addition to being recognized as Super Lawyers.

Damages in a Personal Injury Claim

Before you file a personal injury claim, you should learn what your case is worth, as it may be more than you think. In the state of Virginia, there are three notable categories of compensation you can collect, as follows:

  • Economic Damages: You may think of these damages as the "price tag" of your injury. Economic damages account for the costs of your medical treatment, as well as any additional required care, such as medications, rehabilitative therapy, and more. You can also recover compensation for your lost wages from missing work, as well as any damage to your future earning capacity.
  • Non-Economic Damages: These damages are synonymous with the term "pain and suffering," covering the emotional distress incurred by the injury and other ways your life has been affected. Since pain is not something you can easily quantify in terms of money, collecting compensation for these damages requires an appraisal of your quality of life after an accident.
  • Punitive Damages: These damages are unique to cases where the accident was caused by a serious disregard for safety and the well-being of others. In Virginia, these damages are capped at $350,000.

If an insurance company reaches out to you with a quick settlement, you should know that this type of offer almost never represents what your case is worth. At Robinson Law, PLLC, our personal injury lawyers can review an insurance settlement offer, giving you an objective evaluation of what damages you can collect. We can then help you negotiate for the full compensation you deserve.

Personal Injury Cases We Handle

Negligent accidents can happen anywhere. Robinson Law, PLLC is prepared to represent you across a wide variety of cases, such as:

  • Car Accidents: Bad driving habits or gross negligence behind the wheel can create the conditions for a serious accident.
  • Amazon Delivery Accidents: Delivery drivers can make unsafe choices when they are trying to hit a certain quota for deliveries in a day. Although these drivers are often considered contractors rather than employees, Amazon can be held directly liable in some cases.
  • Pedestrian Accidents: When a vehicle strikes somebody directly, the resulting injuries can be life-threatening.
  • Medical Malpractice: A doctor, surgeon, or nurse who acts negligently in his or her duty can be held liable for any injuries or health complications.
  • Wrongful Death: We help surviving families recover compensation for the death of a loved one due to someone else's negligence.

A personal injury lawsuit requires proof of fault. We will investigate the accident to gather evidence for your case, making sure there is no room for doubt in your claim.

Meet With a Front Royal Personal Injury Lawyer

If you or someone you love has been seriously hurt by another person's reckless conduct, you have a right to recover compensation for damages. At Robinson Law, PLLC, our Front Royal personal injury lawyers are ready to sit down with you to discuss the particulars of your claim and help you obtain the remedy you deserve. To get started with a free consultation, contact us online or call our offices at 703-844-3746.


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Fairfax Location

10486 Armstrong St
Fairfax, VA 22030

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