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Brambleton, Virginia Car Accident Attorneys

Attentive Virginia Attorneys for Motor Vehicle Accidents in Brambleton

Rarely does anyone ever expect to get in a car accident. The seriousness of a crash can range from an inconvenience lasting a few weeks to a lifelong disabling injury. If you have been injured by a negligent driver, you have a right to collect compensation for your damages. A personal injury lawyer in Brambleton can help you navigate the complexities of filing a claim with an insurance company, advocating for your best interests and gathering evidence to support your case. At Robinson Law, PLLC, our attorneys have decades of combined legal experience, and we are armed with the knowledge needed to assist you in recovering compensation.

Responding to a Car Accident

In the aftermath of a car crash, you might feel dazed and panicked. These situations are inherently stressful, but if you remain calm, you can take measures to protect yourself.

After a collision, your health should be your first concern. If you or a passenger in your vehicle is badly hurt, call 911 and request immediate medical attention. If not, make contact with the other driver and see if you can pull over somewhere away from heavy traffic. When talking with the other driver, remain cordial, but do not apologize or say anything that could be construed as admitting fault for the accident. At this point, you should obtain the other driver's insurance information and provide your own if requested.

Your next priority should be to call the police and have the accident assessed with a crash report, which will indicate fault for the accident to support your insurance claim. Once the officer leaves, you should consider heading to an urgent care facility or an emergency room if you feel any physical discomfort or pain. Even if your injuries do not seem serious, getting a thorough medical assessment is best for your long-term health, ensuring that any underlying damage is addressed early on. Furthermore, keeping a copy of your medical records after an accident can be immensely helpful for proving the extent of your damages in a personal injury claim.

Negotiating With Insurance Companies

In the days following an accident, you might be contacted by an insurance adjuster about your claim. You should be wary of any communications from an insurance company, as anything you say could be used against you. The company representative might be polite and amicable, but make no mistake—an insurance adjuster is not your friend. Ostensibly, insurance companies have a responsibility to their customers, but the companies will look for obscure loopholes to avoid paying at every turn.

If the adjuster asks about the accident, answer with only the bare facts and do not discuss anything about blame. Moreover, do not give out any information about your injuries, as the full extent of your damages might only become clear later. Based on your responses, the insurance adjuster may be prepared to award a settlement on the spot, which can seem like an attractive offer, but this will rarely represent the full compensation you can get for an accident.

Ideally, an attorney should be present for any conversations you have with an insurance adjuster. You can always request a legal representative during negotiations, and at Robinson Law, PLLC, our lawyers can review an insurance company's offer and advocate for full compensation that will cover all of your damages.

Speak With a Brambleton, VA Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you have been seriously hurt by a careless driver in Brambleton, our devoted personal injury lawyers can help you recover the compensation you are owed. At Robinson Law, PLLC, our attorneys will compile evidence and negotiate on your behalf to make a compelling case for you. Call our offices at 703-844-3746 for a free consultation or contact us online.


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10486 Armstrong St
Fairfax, VA 22030

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