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Criminal Attorneys for Domestic Violence Charges in Virginia | Robinson Law, PLLC

 Posted on July 03, 2019 in Criminal Defense

Domestic assault charges in Virginia require the best defense.  Family is the most important thing for most people.  That is part of why a domestic assault charge can be so terrifying to someone who has not been in trouble before:  it cuts to the core of your personal life.  At Robinson Law, we are experienced in defending those who have been charged with domestic assault or assault against a family member. We are prepared to do what it takes to guide you to the best outcome possible.  It starts with informing you about how the case will proceed in court, how you may help us, and preparing you for the possible results of the case.

There are some common misperceptions about domestic assault charges.  The charge is brought by the Commonwealth of Virginia, not just the alleged victim.  If the victim changes his or her mind and does not want to proceed with the charge, that does not mean the case will be automatically dropped in Virginia.  In fact, the victim can sometimes be forced to testify in court against the defendant.  The charge also cannot be dropped by a civil settlement.  It is still critical to have an attorney help resolve the case even if everyone wants a dismissal, because not all dismissals are treated the same under Virginia law.

There can be serious consequences from a domestic assault conviction, or even with certain dismissals, when it comes to background checks, security clearances, firearm rights, and immigration status changes.  You need an attorney to look at the unique circumstances of your life and tailor an approach to you and your family.  People have discovered years after a conviction or even dismissal that it has a significant impact on their life, that would have changed how they handled the case.  There is simply no substitute for experience with these matters, so you can be informed of the consequences, and then have a full defense that is customized to your needs.

Every case is unique, and you deserve a lawyer who will craft the best defense possible, maneuver your case carefully through the court’s system, and be dedicated to making sure that you and your family are protected to the utmost in the face of this charge.

This blog is not intended to serve as legal advice. If you need legal advice regarding a traffic or criminal matter, please contact Robinson Law, PLLC directly at 703-542-3616 or visit us at www.LawyerUpVirginia.com to schedule your free consultation.

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